Thursday, June 27, 2013

When I get to 1k...

Hey all.  We're approaching a milestone here at Can't Hit The Curve...1000 page views.  This may seem like sort of a big deal.  But, I have to take a step back and be realistic.

About 90% of the views on the page are from Google bots and site-scrapers and various tools used by SEO's looking to spam the shit out of me.

But, I'm still psyched.  1000 views ain't nothing to sneeze at, right?

So, once we pass this milestone I will give someone a gift.  I know we all like something for free.  At least I do.

Leave a message.  Comment on something.  Just tell me you looked in on us to help get to that 1k point.  Then I will send you a gift.

I'm pretty sure it'll be a certified autograph card from my collection...

1 comment:

  1. I'm a regular visitor of your blog and it would be awesome to win an auto!
